506 titles as of June 25, 2014
- A to Z Guide to Afghanistan Assistance
- Abstracta Iranica
- ACOR Newsletter
- ACKU bulletin
- ACRL - Asian African and Middle East Section (AAMES) Newsletter
- al- dâb
- اداب الرافدين - Adab Al Rafidayn
- ADIAS Newsletter: Abu Dhabi Islands Archaeological Survey
- Aestimatio: Critical Reviews in the History of Science
- AFAQ ATHERYA (Archaeological Horizons) آفاق أثرية
- Afghanistan Research Newsletter
- Africa Italiana
- Africa: Revue des Études et Recherches préhistoriques, antiques, islamiques et ethnographiques
- L'Afrique du Nord illustrée : journal hebdomadaire d'actualités nord-africaines : Algérie, Tunisie, Maroc
- L'Afrique explorée et civilisée
- Ahmadiyya-Journals
- Al-Ahram Weekly
- AIPAC Periodicals
- AJESI (Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International)
- Al-Akhbar English
- AKTC Afghanistan Newsletter
- Alam al-Bina
- Al-Andalus Magreb
- Aldébaran: Lire et repérer les sciences humaines sur Internet
- Alternatives : Turkish Journal of International Relations
- American Association of Teachers of Arabic Newsletter
- American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences
- American Numismatic Society E-News
- American Numismatic Society Magazine
- American Research Center in Egypt E-Newsletter
- Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences
- Anaquel de Estudios Árabes
- Ankara Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fak. Dergisi - Journal of the Faculty of Divinity of Ankara University
- Annales Islamologiques
- Annali di Ca' Foscari - Serie Orientale
- Annuaire de l’École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences historiques et philologiques
- Annuaire de l’École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses
- Annual of Urdu Studies
- Annual review of Islam in South Africa.
- L’Année du Maghreb
- Annuaire de l’Afrique du Nord [subsequently: L’Année du Maghreb]
- Arab and Near East Plant Protection Newsletter
- Arab Affairs Journal - Sho’oun Arabiyya
- Arabian Humanities. International Journal of Archaeology and Social Sciences in the Arabian Peninsula
- Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (AJBMR)
- Arab Journal of Plant Protection - al-Nashrah la-ikhbārīyah li-wiqāyat al-nabāt fī al-buldān al-ʻArabīyah wa-al-Sharq ak-Adná
- Arab Media and Society (formerly the TBS Journal)
- Arab NGO Network for Development: E-Newsletters
- Arab Reform Bulletin (title changed to Sada)
- Arab Thought Forum Annual Reports
- Arab West Report (also in Arabic)
- Arab World English Journal (AWEJ)
- Arches Quarterly
- Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions
- Archiv orientální
- ArchNet-IJAR
- ARIEL - The Israel Review of Arts and Letters
- ARKAMANI Sudan Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology: An Arabic/English Review on Archaeological and Anthropological Research in the Sudan
- Arkeoloji Dergisi (1991-1999)
- Arkeoloji Sanat Tarihi Dergisi (1982-1992)
- Ars Orientalis
- ArteEast Quarterly Magazine
- Asfar
- Asian and African Studies
- Asiatische Studien: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft = Études asiatiques: revue de la Société Suisse - Asie
- Atalaya sociopolítica de Casa Árabe
- Atatürki Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fak. Dergisi - Review of the Faculty of Divinity
- Avicenna: Healthcare Development and Innovation in the Arabian Gulf
- Awrak al-awsat / Awrâq al-awsat
- Awraq. Revista de análisis y pensamiento sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo
- al-Bardiyyat
- Al Bawaba
- al-Bayan : Journal of Qur'an and Hadith Studies
- Bibliographie Nationale de Tunisie
- Bibliographie nationale marocaine : Arabic and French
- Bidoun Magazine : Art and Culture from the Middle East
- Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde - Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania
- Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Dergisi: Hümaniter Bilimler
- Boletín de economía y negocios de Casa Árabe
- British Institute for the Study of Iraq newsletter
- British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan BMSAES
- British Muslim Monthly Survey (BMMS)
- The British-Yemeni Society Journal
- Bukhara
- Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques
- Bulletin de la Société archéologique de Sousse
- Bulletin de la Société de géographie d'Alger et de l'Afrique du Nord
- Bulletin de la Société de géographie et d'archéologie de la province d'Oran
- Bulletin de l’IISMM (Institut d’études de l’Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman)
- Bulletin d'Etudes Orientales
- Bulletin du Centre de Recherche Français de Jérusalem
- Bulletin Fi Rihab El Hiwar
- Bulletin of the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE)
- Bulletin of the Israeli Academic Center in Cairo
- Bulletin of the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society
- Bulletin of the Near East Society
- Bulletin of the Society for Arabian Studies
- Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
- Bulletin of the Zentrum Moderner Orient
- Bulletin : the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies
- CAEI Medio Oriente Working Papers
- Cahiers Balkaniques
- Cahiers d’Asie centrale
- Cahiers de la Méditerranée
- Les cahiers de l'Islam
- Les Cahiers d'EMAM
- Cahiers d’Études du Religieux - Recherches interdisciplinaires
- Cahiers d’études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le monde turco-iranien
- Les Cahiers d'orient et d'occident
- The Cairo Review of Global Affairs
- CAMES Newsletter
- CHALLENGE: A Magazine covering the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
- The Chronicles [American University in Cairo (AUC)]
- Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen
- Chroniques yéménites
- CIRS E-Bulletin
- Clio en Afrique
- Collatio
- Collectanea Christiana Orientalia (CCO)
- Comité Bulletins
- Comparative Islamic Studies
- Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Newsletter
- Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (CSSAAME)
- Comptes-rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
- Contemporary Islamic Studies
- Contemporary practices : visual arts from the Middle East.
- Coptic Church Review
- Crossroads Asia Working Paper Series
- Current Trends in Islamic Ideology
- CyberOrient: Online Journal of the Virtual Middle East
- Cybrarians Journal
- Da Afghanistan Kalanay
- Democratic Formation in Palestine - General Reports
- The Dialogue: A Quarterly Research Journal
- Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
- Digital Islam: Research on Middle East, Islam and digital media
- Dil ve Edebiyat Eğitimi Dergisi - Journal of Language and Literature Education (JLLE)
- Dinbilimleri Dergisi
- Dirâsât yamaniyya - Derasat Yemenia Journal
- Dissertation Reviews
- Diversities (formerly the International Journal on Multicultural Societies)
- [di.wan]
- DMES-Newsletters
- Documents de travail du CETOBAC
- Documents on the Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i Movements
- Doing Business in the Arab World
- Égypte/Monde arabe
- The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (EJRS)
- Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography (EJAB)
- Electronic journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern law - EJIMEL
- Electronic Journal of Oriental Studies (EJOS)
- e-Makalat Mezhep Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Encuentro Islamo-Cristiano
- Environmental Design: Journal of the Islamic Environmental Design Research Centre
- E-Şarkiyat İlmi Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Estudios de Dialectología Norteafricana y Andalusí (EDNA)
- Estudios Orientales
- Etudes Kurdes: revue semestrielle de recherches (2000-2006)
- Etudes maghrébines = Dirāsāt Maghāribīyah = دراسات مغاربية
- Eurasian Journal of Anthropology
- European Journal of Turkish Studies
- Fırat Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fak. Dergisi - Review of the Faculty of Theology
- Freer|Sackler Research Online
- GAIR-Mitteilungen
- GIGA Focus Nahost
- Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition
- Global Media Journal: Persian Edition
- Global Media Journal : Turkish Edition
- Graecolatina et Orientalia
- Hadashot Arkheologiyot – Excavations and Surveys in Israel (HA-ESI)
- Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft
- Hamsa: Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies
- Harvard Middle Eastern and Islamic Review
- Hawliyyat al-Quds - حوليات القدس
- HESPERIS : Archives berbères et bulletin de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes Marocaines
- Hikmet Yurdu Dergisi
- Hilâl. Studi turchi e ottomani
- Hira Magazine
- Historians of Islamic Art Association Newsletter
- Historical Kan Periodical
- History Studies: International Journal of History
- Hitit Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fak. Dergisi
- Hugoye – Journal of Syriac Studies
- Human rights in the occupied territories : annual report
- IIUC Studies
- Innovatio
- Insaniyat / إنسانيات
- Institut kurde de Paris: Liaison and Information bulletin
- The International Arab Journal of e-Technology (IAJeT)
- Internationale Politik
- International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies
- International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching in the Islamic World (FLTJ)
- The International Journal of Humanities of The Islamic Republic of Iran
- International Journal of Islamic Thought (IJIT)
- International Journal of Language Studies (IJLS)
- International Journal of Modern Anthropology
- International Journal of West Asian Studies
- Iqtisadi: Middle East Economy
- Iran Nameh - ایران نامه
- Iranian Journal of International Affairs
- Iranian Journal of Society, Culture & Language
- Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs (IRFA)
- Iraq Literary Review
- IRCICA Newsletter (Research Center For Islamic History, Art and Culture)
- IRS Heritage - IRS – Наследие
- Ишрак: Ежегодник исламской философии - Ishraq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook
- Islam and Muslim Societies
- Islam and Science - Journal of Islamic Perspectives on Science
- İslâm Araştırmaları Dergisi
- İslami Araştırmalar Dergisi - Journal of Islamic Research
- Islamic Science
- Islamic University of Europe Journal of İslamic Research
- Islamic Law & Law of the Muslim World eJournal
- Islamic Perspective: quarterly journal for islamic culture, thought and civilization
- İslam Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Islāmīyat al-maʻrifah - Islâmiyyat al-ma'rifa - إسلامية المعرفة
- İslâmi Araştırmaları - Journal of Islamic Research
- The Islamic Manuscript Association Newsletter
- The Islamic Review
- Islam, Islamism, and Politics in Eurasia Report
- Islamophobia Studies Journal
- İstanbul Barosu Dergisi
- Istanbul Literary Review
- Istanbul Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fak. Dergisi
- Iura Orientalia: Rassegna Scientifica on-line sui Diritti Orientali Antichi e Moderni
- Jadaliyya
- Jadid Online - جدید آنلاین
- Jahresbericht / ZMO, Zentrum Moderner Orient
- Jerusalem Quarterly
- Jewish Studies - an Internet Journal
- Journal asiatique : ou recueil de mémoires, d'extraits et de notices relatifs à l'histoire, etc.
- Journal des Savants
- The Journal for the Study of Sephardic & Mizrahi Jewry
- Journal of Research on History of Medicine
- Jordan journal of international affairs = Majallat al-Urdun lil-shuʼūn al-dawlīyah
- Jordanian diplomat = al-Diblūmāsī al-Urdunī
- Journal for Islamic Studies
- Journal of Al-Tamaddun
- Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies (JAIS)
- Journal of Arabic Language and Literature (Journal of Letters and Humanities) - Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
- Journal of Arabic Linguistics Tradition (JALT)
- Journal of Asian and African Studies
- The Journal of Bahá'í Studies
- Journal of the Center for Ottoman Studies, Ankara University - OTAM
- Journal of Comparative Cultural Studies in Architecture
- Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
- Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development
- Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society
- Journal of Islamic Architecture
- The Journal of Islam in Asia
- Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of North America
- Journal of Jewish Music and Liturgy
- Journal of Kirsehir Education Faculty
- Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies - Majallat ad-dirâsât al-lughawiyya wal-adabiyya
- Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics
- Journal of Modern Turkish Studies
- Journal of Palestine Studies (Majallat ad-dirasat al-filastiniyya)
- Journal of social science = Sosyal bilimler dergisi
- Journal of the History of Sufism
- Journal of the International Society of Islamic Medicine (JISHIM)
- Journal of the Iran Society
- Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of North America
- Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
- Jurnal Syariah
- KADER Kelam Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Kalimat Magazine
- al-Karmel
- al-Kashkûl al-musawwar
- Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Formerly Journal of Azerbaijani Studies)
- Kikah = كيك
- Kitāb-i haftah
- Kitāb-i jumʻah
- Köprü
- Kurdistans sol
- Kurdish Human Rights Project legal review
- KURI - Journal of the Dom Research Center
- Kurmancî
- al-Kurrâsât
- イスラーム世界研究 = Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies
- Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives (LTHE)
- Lemar - Aftaab afghanmagazine.com
- The Levantine Review: The Journal of Near Eastern and Mediterranean Studies at Boston College
- The Levant Trade Review
- Library and Information Research Journal Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran)
- The Light and Islamic Review
- Lights: The MESSA Quarterly
- Lingue e Letterature d'Oriente e d'Occidente (LEA)
- Luxor Times
- Ma'âbir
- Macalester Islam Journal
- Majallat al-aqwâs
- Majallat adh-Dhakhâ'ir
- Majallat Karamati
- Majallat al-akâdîmiyya al-'arabiyya al-maftûha fid-Danmark - The Scientific Journal of Arab Open Academy in Denmark
- Majallat al-majma' (i.e. majma' al-Qâsimî lil-lugha al-'arabiyya)
- Majallat al-majma' al-'ilmî (al-'irâqî)
- Majallat majma' al-lugha al-'arabiyya al-urdunnî
- Magallat Majma' al-lugha al-'arabiyya bil-Qâhira
- Majallat al-Minhâj
- Majallat ash-shu'arâ'
- Majallat al-'ulûm al-insâniyya ad-dawliyya
- Majallat 'ulûm insâniyya - Journal of Human Sciences
- al-Majdal
- Mamluk Studies Review
- Manuscripta orientalia : international journal for Oriental manuscript research
- Marburg Journal of Religion
- Marmara Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fak. Dergisi
- Marsh Bulletin
- Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East Migration Studies
- Mathal/Mashal: Journal of Islamic and Judaic Multidisciplinary Studies
- McGill journal of Middle East studies
- Medieval Jewish Studies
- Medina Magazine: Architecture, Interiors, Fine Arts
- The Mediterranean World
- Méditerranée - Revue géographique des pays méditerranéens = Journal of Mediteranean geography
- Mediterranes
- MELA Notes - The Journal of the Middle East Librarians Association
- Melto
- MERIA Journal
- “The Messenger for Children”
- Middle East Bulletin
- Middle East Economic Association: Newsletters
- Middle East Media Educator
- Middle East News Brief
- Middle East Quarterly
- Middle East Studies Association Bulletin
- Middle East Studies Online Journal
- Middle East – Topics & Arguments
- MIFS Newsletter (French Interdisciplinary Mission in Sindh)
- Milel ve Nihal: İnanç, Kültür ve Mitoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Mimar: Architecture in Development
- Min-Ad: Israel Studies in Musicology Online
- Minbar al-islâm
- Minority Rights Group International Reports
- Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam
- Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos: Sección de Hebreo
- Al-Monitor
- Monthly Ishrâq
- Muftah
- Al- mukhatabat المخاطبات | Revue Philosophique de Logique et d’Epistémologie مجلّة فلسفية في المنطق و الإبستمولوجيا Philosophical Journal For Logic and Epistemology
- Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World
- Music & Anthropology: Journal of Musical Anthropology of the Mediterranean
- Müze Çalışmaları ve Kurtarma Kazıları Sempozyumu Yayınları
- The Muslim Thinker
- Nehardea: Journal of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center
- Nafas Art Magazine: Contemporary Art from the Maghreb to the Middle East, from Central Asia to SE Asia
- An-Najah University Journal for Research - Humanities
- Al Nakhlah: The Fletcher School's online journal on Southwest Asia and Islamic Civilization
- Nāmah-'i Farhangistān = Name-ye Farhangestan = نامه فرهنگستان : quarterly journal of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature.
- Al-Nashra
- Near and Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education
- New Horizons. Commentaries on the Modern Middle East
- New Middle Eastern Studies
- Newsletter of the Aga Khan Programs for Islamic Architecture
- Nida Dergisi
- Nizwa
- Al-Noor
- Novitas-ROYAL, Research on youth and language
- Nüsha. Şarkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi - A Journal of Oriental Studies
- Nusûs 'irâqiyya
- Oasis
- Occident & Orient
- Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
- ONE magazine
- Online - Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet
- Online Journal of Baha'i Studies
- Oral Tradition
- The Orient
- Orient: A Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations Student Union Publication (formerly Journal of Near & Middle Eastern Studies)
- Orient Bulletin: History, Society and Culture in Asia, the Middle East and Africa
- Orient : report of the society for Near Eastern studies in Japan
- The oriental annual: containing a series of tales, legends, & historical romances
- Orientalia Suecana
- OTAM - Journal of the Center for Ottoman Studies, Ankara University
- Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies
- Pakistan Journal of Library & Information Science
- Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics, and Culture
- The Palestinian American Research Center (PARC) Newsletter
- Palestinian annual strategic report
- Parole de l'Orient
- PASSIA Bulletins
- Perspectives (Woolf Institute)
- Perspectives Middle East (Heinrich Böll Stiftung)
- Perspectives in International Librarianship
- PHAROS: The Newsletter of the Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies
- Proche-Orient Chrétien
- Qalam - Sufismo de Oriente y de Occidente
- Al-Qanṭara: Reviste de Estudios Árabes
- Al Qantir: Monografías y documentos sobre la historia de Tarifa
- Quaderns de la Mediterránia
- Rahavard Persian Journal: A Persian Journal of Iranian Studies
- Al-Raida
- Al Rawi: Egypt's Heritage Review
- Religions : a scholarly journal
- Renaissance: A Monthly Islamic Journal
- Report on Israeli settlement in the occupied territories
- Researches on Persian Language and Literature - متن شناسی ادب فارسی
- Research in Arabic Language and Literature - بحوث فی اللغه العربيه وآدابها
- Research Unit Intellectual History of the Islamicate World e-Newsletter
- Review of ARMENIAN STUDIES: A Quarterly Journal Of History, Politics and International Relations
- Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos (REIM)
- Revue Africaine (Société historique algérienne)
- Revue annales du patrimoine / Majallat hawliyyât at-turâth
- Revue archeologique syrienne
- Revue des Lettres et de Traduction (USEK)
- Revue de l'Orient Chrétien
- Revue de l'Orient latin
- Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée (REMMM)
- Revue du monde musulman
- La Revue de Téhéran: Mensuel culturel iraniennes en langue française
- Revue Numismatique
- Revue Théologique de Kaslik (USEK)
- Revue Tunisienne
- La rivista di Arablit
- Sada (formerly the Arab Reform Bulletin)
- Samandal
- Samokov News
- Saudi Aramco World
- The Scribe - Journal of Babylonian Jewry
- Sefarad: Estudios hebraicos, sefardíes y de Oriente Próximo
- Shahadat
- Sharq al-Andalus
- Shi'a Studies
- Shingetsu Electronic Journal of Japanese-Islamic Relations (SEJJIR)
- Shingetsu Institute Newsletter
- Shu'un Tanmawiyyeh
- as-Sikka السكة The Online Journal of The Islamic Coins Group
- Silk Road Journal
- Sinaiticus: The Bulletin of the Saint Catherine Foundation
- The Singapore Middle East Papers
- SOAS Literary Review
- Sociology of Islam & Muslim Societies Newsletter
- Souffles: Revue Culturelle Arabe du Maghreb
- The status of human rights in Palestine : annual report
- Studia graeco-arabica
- Studia Islamica: New Series
- Studia Orientalia Electronica
- Studies in Contemporary Islam
- Studies in Islam and the Middle East
- Sudan notes and records
- Sudan Studies Association Newsletter
- Suhayl. International Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation
- Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
- Synergies Algérie
- Synergies Monde Arabe
- Synergies Monde Méditerranéen
- Synergies Turquie
- Syrian Studies Association Newsletter
- TAARII Newsletter: The American Academic Research Institute in Iraq
- Tarih: Graduate History Journal,
- التسامح = al-Tasamoh = al-Tasāmuḥ
- Tasavvuf: İlmî ve Akademik Araştırma Dergisi
- Tassmeem
- Tavoos Art Magazine
- Al-Tawhid: A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Thought & Culture
- T. E. Lawrence Studies
- Têgeyştinî Rastî [1918-1919]
- This week in Palestine.
- Tidsskrift for Islamforskning
- Tiraz : Língua, Literatura e Cultura Árabe
- Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies
- Transcendent philosophy: an international journal for comparative philosophy and mysticism.
- Transeuropéennes: International Journal of Critical Thought
- Transoxiana: Journal Libre de Estudios Orientales
- Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi (1933-1997)
- Türk Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Dergisi
- Türk Coğrafya Dergisi
- Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi
- Türk Etnografya Dergisi (1956-1997)
- Türk Kütüphaneciliği - Turkish Librarianship - [continuing Türk Kütüphaneciler Derneği Bülteni]
- Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim Dergisi
- Turkic Languages
- Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni - Geological Bulletin of Turkey
- The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education
- Turkish Policy Quarterly
- Turkish Studies: International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
- Turkish Yearbook of International Relations
- Turkologischer Anzeiger / Turkology Annual(TA)
- Tulaytula: Revista de la Asociación de Amigos del Toledo Islámico
- UAE Yearbook
- Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu Yayınları
- V&A Online Journal
- Vaseteh - Journal of the European Society for Iranian Studies
- Verde islam
- Villes et territoires du Moyen Orient
- Waly Center Journal
- Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
- The Washington Review of Turkish & Eurasian Affairs
- Web Journal on Cultural Patrimony (WJCP)
- Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal
- Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) Newsletters
- Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) Dossiers
- Yemen Update On-line: bulletin of the American Institute for Yemeni Studies
- Your Middle East
- Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi - Journal of Higher Education and Science
- Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (ZDMG)
- Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete
- Zeitschrift für Semitistik und verwandte Gebiete
- Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken - Journal of World Turks
- Zeitschrift für Indologie und Iranistik
- Zeitschrift für Islamische Studien
- Zeitschrift für die Religionslehre des Islam (ZRLI)
- zenith BusinessReport
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